The highly anticipated film 'The Archies,' set to release in 2023, features an ensemble cast including Agastya Nanda, Khushi Kapoor, Suhana Khan, Vedang Raina, Mihir Ahuja, Yuvraj Menda, and Aditi 'Dot' Saigal. Suhana Khan, in addition to her acting role, has also made her singing debut in the film. Other notable singers featured in the song 'Jab Tum Na Theen' are Dot., Javed Akhtar, and Tejas. Ananya Panday, Khushi Kapoor, and Navya Naveli Nanda have expressed their support for Suhana's singing. Furthermore, there are reports that Shah Rukh Khan will make a cameo appearance in the film, adding to the excitement surrounding 'The Archies'.
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